Locavore’s Raised Bed System
Begin your dream garden this season with our farm-made raised bed system. Each bed is 12’-long by 4’-wide and 27” high. This dimension makes gardening easier on your back and will support the soil-building practice of hugelkultur. The bed size offers 48-square feet of growing space, which if following a square-foot gardening guide, you’ll have a lot of food for your table with one alone! Purchase our Victory Garden Kit (see above) for 24 in-bed ready vegetable plants and herbs.
12’x4’x27” Raised Bed is $750 and includes delivery and set-up. It does not include soil and fill. Please see Fill suggestions below. Delivery and set-up is available April 3 - April 8.
Each bed is made with treated lumber and galvanized metal sheets. The metal sheets protect the soil from the chemicals used in lumber. Pictures attached for reference.
Is using galvanized metal in the garden safe? Yes. Acidity is required to break down the zinc coating of galvanized steel and most garden soils are neutral, so there is little impact. Also, zinc is an essential and natural plant micronutrient and a normal part of the soil.
Suggestions on filling your bed:
Following hugelkultur, we suggest you fill your beds with the following layers and percentages:
Top-Layer: 30 % - or approximately 1.3 cubic yards of topsoil and compost. Mulch around plants to protect soil.
Fourth Layer: 10% - manure, compost, subsoil
Third Layer: 10% - yard debris, leaves, and twigs
Second Layer: 50% - large stumps, branches and/or logs and any air gaps with mulch
Bottom Layer: Line bottom with cardboard, paper bags, newspaper, etc.
Call your local nursery for bulk, organic topsoil pricing. In the past, we’ve used Rainbow Mulch in Monee or Neimeyer’s Landscaping in Crown Point, Indiana.
