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February 27, 2022

Yesterday we celebrated our son's birthday with a massive Nerf gun battle throughout the farm. I have no doubt we will be finding bullets for the next decade. The morning of his birthday, he came down to banners and balloons and opened a few of the gifts he'd hoped he'd receive. Within a little while, I noticed him sitting at the table by himself staring out the window with a few tears. "What's wrong, buddy?" He responded, "Well, I'm a little sad because I don't want to grow up." At his response I threw my arms around him and said, "I'm a little sad on your birthday each year too. I don't want you to get older. But this is the design and its a rich blessing to watch you grow up."

13 years ago he made me a mom. We waited 11 years. Those years of waiting were painful at times, filled with loss and hope deferred. At times I was tempted to settle and pretend I'd be just fine. But I couldn't. I had a deep longing and a journey to travel so that I could learn valuable lessons to share. After a while, at the proper time, a way was made.

Tomorrow, we get to experience a longing fulfilled after many years. On Tuesday, March 1 we will share it with you.

Here's what I know, waiting and hoping are life-giving channels that lead to a rich and abundant life. They are difficult courses and while we travel we must be vulnerable to our situation and listen very carefully to a challenge outside of ourselves. We may look foolish as we wait. We will experience both disappointment and victory along the way. But, at the proper time, for those who believe, patience will richly reward you. Faith that moves forward triumphs!

Until next week,

Rachael Jones


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